What runs and is synchronized on a recurring basis?

Streams Manager has several background processes that run on a schedule that do maintenance tasks and data synchronization with external system such as Plex, PayPal, Stripe, Discord, etc. The processes that run are as follows:

  • Every 5 minutes

    • Streaming activity logging and enforcement

    • Download activity logging and enforcement

  • Every hour

    • User synchronization with Plex (import of new users, updates to existing users)

    • Server synchonization with Plex (updates to servers, updates to libraries on servers, etc.)

    • Payments synchronization (import of new recurring or peer-to-peer payments you have received through PayPal or Stripe)

    • Removal of users whose subscriptions expires

    • Updates to sharing (if users changed plans, libraries included in plans changed, etc.)

  • Daily

    • Calculation of number of active users

    • Discord synchronization (adding/removing roles, kicking users, etc.)

    • Ombi synchronization (updating of Discord notification data to Ombi users)

    • Overseerr synchronization (adding/removal of Overseerr local users, updating of Discord notification data to Overseerr users)

    • Petio synchronization (adding/removal of Petio users)

    • Payment reminders sending

    • Plex token validation (ensures Plex tokens in the system are valid so the system can operate and use them)

    • Library statistics refresh

Last updated