How to invite a user manually via Streams Manager?

It is recommended that manual user invites come through Streams Manager vs. through the Plex web app ( The reason for this is that Streams Manager knows how your libraries are configured and which ones need to be shared based on the selected plan and will automatically create the payment for the user so they are immediately active. It will also create a Plex invite and send a notification to the user (see Notification templatesto modify the notification content).

To invite a user, please follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Users panel in main menu

  • Click on the menu button in the table header to reveal the action menu and click on Invite menu item

  • Invite User dialog will pop up

  • Fill out the form fields keeping the following in mind

    • PayPal email - if the user is a PayPal user, this is how they will be matched for future payments through PayPal

    • Transaction ID - if this was a manual payment this can be anything as long as it is unique. I prefer a format of date-payment_type-suffix. For example, for Venmo, I use 2022-08-10-Venmo-1 for the transaction ID which makes is easier to correlate payments later. For PayPal, enter the transaction ID and for Stripe, enter the payment intent ID (i.e. starts with "pi_")

    • Sequence number - This can be set to 1 unless one payment was used to pay for multiple users in which case you can split the same payment to multiple users using multiple sequence numbers

    • Subscription ID - if the user is on an existing recurring subscription that was created prior to using Streams Manager, enter that ID here. For PayPal, that is usually an ID that starts with "I-" or for Stripe, it is an ID that starts with "sub_"

  • Click Invite and Streams Manager will invite the user to the specified Plex server

Last updated