Ombi settings

Streams Manager integration with Ombi consist of Streams Manager syncing Discord information to Ombi users so they can be notified when their requests are approved and fulfilled. Streams Manager does NOT create user accounts in Ombi for uses in Streams Manager. This is not necessary because Ombi allows for integration with multiple Plex servers and syncing of Plex users into Ombi. Streams Manager will then also sync their Discord information. This synchronization happens once per day at 5 AM UTC.

The settings are as follows:

  • Ombi notification preferences sync enabled - indicates whether sync with Ombi request system is enabled. When enabled, user Discord notification preferences will be synced on a schedule once per day at 5 AM UTC

  • API key - Ombi API key as set in Ombi under Settings -> Configuration -> General

  • URL - base URL to the Ombi system

  • Username - username of the Ombi administrator

Once the settings are populated, you can test the setting by clicking on the Test button.

Last updated