I am seeing notes mentioning credits on the payment edit screen. What is that?

Streams Manager allows users to change plans midstream and handle everything automatically by applying credits for unused subscription time to the newly selected plan. Note that this accounting is only done in Streams Manager. Payment processors such as PayPal or Stripe are not affected by this. For example, if a user was on a $30 monthly plan and with 5 days left on it, they decide to change to a $15 plan and elect to start that new plan now. In this case Streams Manager will do the following:

  • End their current payment (and therefore plan) by setting the To Date to now

  • Calculate the remaining amount of money that is unused (in this case, it is basically $1 per day so amount is $5)

  • Deduct the amount ($5 in this case) from the previous payment that was end dated in step 1 and add notes around what credit was applied and how much

  • Credit the amount ($5) onto the payment that starts now (new payment will therefore show $20 instead of $15) and also adjust the duration on the newly selected plan and extend it to take into account the amount of the credit. In this case, $5 will extend the time by an additional 10 days

  • Update sharing for this user to match the new plan (add/remove libraries, add/remove ability to download, etc.)

  • Streams Manager will immediately start enforcing rules for this user according to the newly selected plan (number of concurrent devices, downloads, etc.)

Last updated