Overseerr settings

Streams Manager integration with Overseerr consist of Streams Manager creating local accounts for new subscribers in Overseerr and syncing their Discord information so they can be notified when their requests are approved and fulfilled. Overseerr account is created for new subscribers immediately upon subscription and fully synchronized once per day at 5 AM UTC. Note that Overseerr must have an email agent configured for the integration to work properly since once new account is created in Overseerr, login credentials need to be emailed to the user.

The settings are as follows:

  • Overseerr user sync enabled - indicates whether sync with Overseer request system is enabled. When enabled, new local Overseerr accounts will be created for all Streams Manager users and Discord notification preferences will be synced. Full synchronization runs on a schedule once per day at 5 AM UTC

  • API key - API key as set in Overseerr under Settings->General

  • URL - base URL to the Overseerr system

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