Discount codes

Discount codes is a feature that is part of the premium pack that needs to be purchased separately.

Streams Manager allows you to offer your customers a discount or promo code. You can create as many discount codes as you'd like and also have lots of flexibility to restrict how discount codes are used.

Discount codes are only applicable for Pay as You Go payments. Recurring subscriptions are not applicable to discounts.

User can only use a discount code once. Repeat uses of the same discount code by the same user are not allowed.

Discount codes can be accessed from the Payments & Plans menu. Once opened, all your discount codes will be listed. When creating a new discount code, the following are the fields that can be configured:

  • Code - this is the actual code you will send your users. The code must be unique

  • User email - optional email address of the user to which this code applies. If left blank, any user will be able to use this code. Otherwise, only the user with the email specified will be able to use the code and use it only once

  • Used count - indicates the number of times this code has already been used. Once a code has been used, this counter will get incremented

  • Maximum number of uses - maximum number of times this code can be used before it becomes invalid. Leave blank for unlimited uses. Keep in mind that when a code is tied to a specific user email, it can only be used once regardless of what number of uses is set to

  • Expiration date/time - specifies the date/time when the discount code will expire. If left blank, discount code will never expire

  • Discount percent - amount of discount to apply as a percentage of total payment. Discount percent or amount need to be specified but not both

  • Discount amount - currency amount of discount to apply to total payment. Discount percent or amount need to be specified but not both. Discount amount must be less than the total payment amount

  • Allowed plans - indicates plans for which the discount code will be applicable. Leave blank to make the discount code applicable to all plans

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