Error: User tried to subscribe but servers are full

When a user tries to subscribe and you get a message that the operation did not succeed because of all servers are full, please follow these troubleshooting steps.

  • Check the number of users on your Plex accounts in Plex Account panel. Plex has limitation of 100 users per Plex account regardless of how many Plex servers are on that account.

  • If your plans allow downloads, ensure that your Plex accounts have Has Plex Pass toggled ON in Plex Account panel.

  • Check the maximum users per server by editing each server on the Servers panel and ensure that the limit was not reached.

  • Check your servers on Servers panel and ensure that Allow new subscriptions or Allow trial subscriptions toggle is ON.

  • Check your servers on Servers panel and ensure that server is enabled by verifying the Enabled toggle.

  • Ensure that servers have been synced and that libraries on those servers have been assigned to appropriate groups. Check Libraries panel and ensure that libraries are not tagged as Private.

  • If your users are trying to use free trials, ensure that at least one server allows free trials by editing a server.

Last updated