Petio settings

Streams Manager integration with Petio consist of Streams Manager creating local accounts for new subscribers in Petio and sending users a notification (email or Discord) with login credentials. Petio account is created for new subscribers immediately upon subscription and fully synchronized once per day at 5 AM UTC.

The settings are as follows:

  • Petio user sync enabled - indicates whether sync with Petio request system is enabled. When enabled, new local Petio accounts will be created for all Streams Manager users. Full synchronization runs on a schedule once per day at 5 AM UTC

  • Petio email - Petio administrator email address used to login to Petio

  • Petio password - Petio administrator's password address used to login to Petio

  • URL - base URL to the petio system

  • Profile name - name of the Petio profile to assign to new users. Leave blank to assign a Petio default profile

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