Discord integration settings

Streams Manager offers Discord integration in the following ways:

  • Discord member management - Streams Manager will kick users that have let their subscriptions expire after a set time period

  • Discord role management - Streams Manager will keep user roles in sync based on their plan and Plex server where they are currently sharing libraries

This integration works through the use of bots so you will have to create a bot and obtain a bot token. You can use the same bot you use for Discord notifications as described in Creating a Discord bot.

The settings are as follows:

  • Discord sync enabled - indicates whether integration with Discord server is enabled. When enabled, new users will be assigned a role and expired users will have their role removed and optionally kicked out of the Discord server.

  • Bot token - Discord bot token

  • Subscriber role name - name of the role to assign to Discord users that are currently active and on a non-trial plan

  • Trial role name - name of the role to assign to Discord users that are currently active and on a trial plan

  • Kick users - indicates whether to kick users from the Discord server after their subscription has expired

  • Kick after days - specifies for how long (in days) user's subscription must be expired before they are kicked from the Discord server. Set to 0 for immediate removal

Last updated