Free SMTP options

Below are some options for free SMTP service.


Signup for account at Brevo here: Select the free plan that allows you to send 300 emails per day. Then login and click on Transactional menu option on the left. You will find your SMTP details there that you need to enter in Streams Manager.


You can use SendGrid service to send your emails. Free price tier limits you to sending 100 emails per day but should be enough for your needs. To setup SendGrid for SMTP, please follow these steps.

  1. Signup for SendGrid on You will re required to setup two factor authentication.

  2. Login with your newly created account.

  3. Navigate to Settings -> API Keys on the left menu.

  4. Click on Create API Key button in the top right. Give the key a name such as Streams Manager and give it Full Access. Note the API Key as it will be only shown to you once.

  5. Next you need to verify a Sender Identity. Navigate to Settings -> Sender Authentication on the left menu. This is the identity that will be used to send emails and what your users will see once they receive an email.

  6. Click on Get Started button under Verify Address section.

  7. Enter the information requested. You must have access to the email address you enter here to confirm it.

  8. Verify the identity by clicking the link in the email.

Your SendGrid setup is now complete. You will use the SendGrid information to setup SMTP in Streams Manager.

  1. Login to your Streams Manager instance and navigate to Settings -> Email Notifications.

  2. Enter the following information in the SMTP Settings section:

    1. SMTP host:

    2. SMTP port: 587

    3. Username: apikey

    4. Password: enter your API Key value you created in SendGrid in the previous section

    5. From email: enter the email address you setup in your identity in SendGrid

    6. From name: enter the name you setup in your identity in SendGrid

    7. Use SSL/TLS: ensure this is enabled

    8. Other fields are optional but recommended to set

Click the Test button and enter an email address where a test email will be sent. If the email is received successfully you have correctly setup your SMTP server. Don't forget to click Save button at the bottom to save your settings.

Last updated