PayPal recurring plan setup

PayPal uses more standard terms to describe how their service works. Similarly to Stripe, PayPal uses products and plans. Just like with Stripe, it is recommended to create PayPal products that are equivalent to plans in Streams Manager and create a payPal subscription for that product that matches the plan cost and duration in Streams Manager. Then copy the payPal plan ID and paste into the plan details in Streams Manager. To create PayPal product and plan, please follow these steps:

  • Login to your PayPal account. You need to have a PayPal business account to take advantage of recurring plans

  • Click on Pay & Get Paid in the main menu and then Subscriptions on the right

  • Click on Subscription plans in the left navigation bar

  • Click Create Plan button

  • Scroll to the bottom and click Create a subscription product

  • Fill in product details including the description and ensure it closely matches the name of the plan in Streams Manager so you can correlate the two

  • For product type, select Digital goods

  • For industry category, select Software

  • Leave other fields blank

  • Click the Next button and your product will be created and you will redirected to the create plan page

  • Select the product you just created by clicking the circle next to it

  • Scroll down and click on the Next button

  • Select Fixed pricing and click the Next button

  • Enter plan name that closely correlates to your plan name in Streams Manager and click the Next button

  • Select the currency you wish to use (this should match the currency selected in Streams Manager on Payment Gateways settings page)

  • Leave "Charge a one-time setup fee" unchecked as it is not supported by Streams Manager. However, a single trial period is supported. You set the cost to a value or to zero and also set the duration. Once someone subscribes to this plan, Streams Manager will create a first payment entry for the user to cover the trial period first (payment will be the cost of the trial period) and once the subscription payment is made, Streams Manager will import that payment via transaction sync and extend the subscription as normal. There is no special setup needed in Streams Manager for it to detect that a plan has a trial period

  • Set the subscription period and price/cost to match the plan duration and cost in Streams Manager

  • Tax calculation should be set to "Don't calculate tax"

  • Click the Next button

  • Click the Turn Plan On button

  • You will get an option to create PayPal buttons. We can skip this so click "Do this later" in the bottom left

  • You will be redirected to Subscription plans where you can see your newly created subscription plan. Right above the plan is the plan ID is gray font that starts with P- (P dash). Copy this ID ensuring no leading or trailing spaces are copied and paste into PayPal plan ID field on Plan edit screen in Streams Manager

  • Repeat this process for other plans you wish to offer as recurring plans

Once the plan has been updated with PayPal plan ID, the plan will show in the plan selection dropdown on the Recurring checkout.

Last updated