Add your administrator login
It is best to add a site login with an email address you own and make it administrator so you can reset your password should you need to do that.
Login with the default administrator account as outlined above
Access the
menu. This will open a page with a list of current login accounts registered with the systemAccess the menu button in the table header and click on "Add" menu button
Enter the email address and password you wish to use and click "Create" button. This will create a new site login. DO NOT enable two factor authentication just yet until you setup your SMTP server later.
Refresh the list of accounts by clicking on the table header menu button and again and then click on Refresh
Locate the new site login in the list and click on the “actions menu” (bolt icon) next to to the login and click on
Set Administrator
menu itemYou can use your new email address to login as administrator
Last updated