How Streams Manager enforces download limits?

Streams Manager provides soft mobile download limits enforcement functionality. Each plan can be configured to allow mobile downloads and each user can be given an allotment of how many downloads they can perform in a week (this can be specified on User edit page) Sunday-Saturday. Each downloaded movie or TV show episode counts as a single download and each download must be completed in 2 hours or less or it will count as a new download and count against the quota. Keep in mind that this is a soft enforcement meaning that Plex Manager cannot stop a download once it is started since Plex does not allow for this functionality. Once Plex provides this capability, Streams Manager will take advantage of it. Instead, Streams Manager just send notifications to users and logs warnings.

The process works as follows:

  • Every 5 minutes, Streams Manager collects download activity on all your Plex servers

  • If server settings have logging of download activity enabled, the activity will be logged to the database so it can be reviewed later

  • Download activity data indicates which user is doing the downloading, which title and from which server

  • Streams Manager then checks download allocation for the user and their remaining quota for the week (Sunday-Saturday)

  • If the user is exceeding their download quota limits, a notification will be sent to the user indicating that they have exceeded their download quota. To modify the content of this notification, see Notification templates for emails and Notification templates for Discord messages.

  • If in Media server integration settings you have specified to disabled downloads once the quota has been exceeded, Streams Manager will temporarily disable downloads for the user until their quota is replenished starting the following week.

Mobile download feature requires you and your user to both have Plex Pass enabled.

Last updated