How to enable two factor (2FA) authentication?

For added security, Streams Manager offers the ability to enable two factor authentication for administrator accounts only. Two factor authentication works by adding an additional verification step after logging in using a code that is sent to the email address.

Two factor authentication is only available for administrator accounts.

Do not enable 2FA on an email address you do not own (such as as that will essentially lock you out of your account.

  • Open Site Logins panel and search for the administrator account on which you want to enable 2FA

  • Ensure that the site login email address is the email address you own and not an address that ends in You can create a new Site Login by clicking the table header menu button and then clicking "Add" to add another site login. Once added, click on the action menu menu button (bolt icon) to set it as administrator. Refresh the data to get the latest changes

  • Now that the site login is an administrator, search for the administrator account on which you want to enable 2FA

  • Once the administrator site login is located, click on the action menu button (bolt icon) to open the menu and click on "Enable Two Factor Authentication"

  • Logout

  • Attempt to login with the administrator email again and you will be prompted to enter a code sent to the email address you are using to login

  • Enter the code to finish the login process

Last updated