System overview

Below is the quick overview of the system when logged in as an administrator.

Menu is at the top with submenus under each item that has a down arrow next to it. Descriptions of less obvious panels are as follows:

  • Users - this panel shows users in the system that are currently sharing one of your Plex servers or have done so in the past. Note, this is different from Site Logins (i.e. user's ability to login to he site and manage their account). By registering on the site, one gets a Site Login but they need to subscribe to become a User.

  • Payments - this panel shows a list of payments added to the system either from user subscriptions, synchronization from different payment gateways or by manual entry.

  • Plans - this panel shows plans/products you are offering your customers/users.

  • Unmatched Payments - this panel shows a list of payments that were found on one of the enabled payment gateways during synchronization but the system could not automatically match the payment to a user in the system. You should manually creating this payment on the user it belongs.

  • Discount Codes - this panel shows a list of discount codes that are created in the system.

  • Servers - this panel shows a list of Plex servers enabled in the system. Plex servers are automatically synced from your Plex account and they cannot be manually added Instead, claim ownership of a Plex server during Plex software installation and then sync the servers in the panel.

  • Server Locations - this panel show a list of locations where your servers reside. When managing a server, you can edit the server settings to assign it to a specific location. Then your users will be able to specify the server that is closest to them during the subscription process.

  • Libraries - this panel shows a list of libraries that are available on your Plex servers. Libraries are automatically synced from your Plex servers and they cannot be manually added Instead, add/edit libraries on the Plex server and then sync libraries in this panel.

  • Library Types - this panel shows library types which are groupings of libraries for the purpose of adding to a plan.

  • Download Activity - this pane shows download activity on your Plex servers. The activity is automatically checked every 5 minutes against your Plex servers and logged for viewing in this panel.

  • Streaming Activity - this pane shows streaming activity on your Plex servers. The activity is automatically checked every 5 minutes against your Plex servers and logged for viewing in this panel.

  • Plex Accounts - this panel shows a list of Plex accounts added to the system. You need to manually add one or more of Plex accounts to the system.

  • Settings - this panel allows for system configuration.

  • Mass Contact - this panel allows you to send messages to all users that are active on your Plex servers.

  • Scan Missing Media - this panels allows your users to request Plex scans of specific media items or folders to correct issues where the file the media item is pointing has been changed but Plex has not scanned in the change just yet so it shows it as media unavailable.

  • Upload Subtitles - this panel allows your users to upload their own subtitles to media items.

  • Scan Folder - this panel is accessible to administrators only and allows a similar functionality of the Scan Missing Media panel but it allows you to scan a any media directory on one or more servers.

  • invites - this panel shows a list of pending invites sent to users.

  • Site Logins - this panel shows a list of people show have registered with the system and can log in to subscribe or manage their account. People with logins become users once they subscribe or are added to a Plex server by the administrator.

  • FAQ - this panel allows you to create your own custom FAQ page where users can see commonly asked questions and answers.

  • Events - this panel shows events that occurred in the system ranging from informational events to errors that require our intervention. It is recommended to periodically review messages in this panel.

Last updated