Media server integration settings

Streams Manager offers integration with your media servers. This section governs how that integration works. The settings are as follows:

  • Sync from remote server - indicates whether to synchronize any new or changed servers, users, shared servers and invites from your media server. This should be ON in general

  • Import new users as permanent - indicates whether new users should be marked as permanent when they are imported from your media server. This setting is especially important when doing a user sync for the first time. When turned OFF, any user that shares your media server that is not tracked in Streams Manager will be imported and assigned to a default plan and be active for the duration of the default plan

  • Sync shared libraries to remote server - indicates whether to sync which libraries are shared with users based on what their plan allows. When turned ON, Streams Manager will share or unshare libraries based on which libraries are included in their plan automatically (and also if their plan changes). Generally, this should be turned ON

  • Delete expired users after days - after user's subscription expires, within one hour, they will lose library access but stay on the server and/or Plex account. Users are deleted from media servers and/or Plex account after this many days. Leaving the value blank or setting it to 0 will force the system to delete users from media servers and/or Plex account immediately after expiration

  • Refresh library statistics periodically - indicates whether to enable and refresh library statistics periodically. Library statistics are shown on the homepage

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