Discord settings

Streams Manager provides integration with Discord bots and uses them to send notifications to users in your Discord server. Notifications can be of various types ranging from password resets, exceeding streaming limits or payment reminders. Note that users need to have their Discord ID field populated in their profile for this to work (https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/206346498-Where-can-I-find-my-User-Server-Message-ID).

Before you can enable this functionality, you need to create a Discord app and Bot for which you need to obtain a token.

If you want a copy of the message sent to your users also be sent to another Discord user or users, populate Discord IDs field with a comma separated list of IDs of additional Discord users where notifications will be sent.

Discord ID is ALL NUMERIC ID and not your username#discriminator nickname. See this link on how to get your all numeric Discord ID.

Last updated