Subscriptions & trials settings

These settings allow you to enable or disable regular and trial subscriptions.

Trial settings

The settings are as follows:

  • Trial enabled - indicates whether free trial subscriptions through the website are enabled. When enabled, free trial link will be shown in the main menu for non-admin users. When enabled, at least one trial plan has to be configured.

  • Force trial prior to subscription - Indicates whether users have to sign up for a trial first before subscribing to a paid plan.

  • Maximum number of trial users - indicates the maximum number of trial users allowed in the system (set to 0 for unlimited). When the limit is reached, users will be prevented to start free trials.

Subscription settings

The settings are as follows:

  • Subscription enabled - indicates whether subscriptions through the website are enabled. When enabled, subscribe link will be shown in the main menu and a subscribe button on the main page. When enabled, at least one plan has to be configured.

Advanced subscription expiration handling

This is a feature that is part of the premium pack that needs to be purchased separately.

Advanced subscription expiration handling allows you to change how Streams Manager handles users whose subscription has expired. By default, when user's subscription expires, Streams Manager will remove that user within one hour of subscription expiration via a recurring background job. Instead of immediately deleting a user from the media server, you can limit user's access to only certain libraries up to a certain number of days after expiration (specified by Delete from media server after days setting). If a user does not renew their subscription after that many days after expiration, only then the user will be deleted them from the media server. This may give users a better opportunity to renew and yield better user retention.

The settings as follows:

  • Enabled - whether this feature is enabled or not.

  • Delete from media server after days - If a user does not renew their subscription after that many days after expiration, only then the user will be deleted them from the media server.

  • Allowed libraries - comma separated list of library names expired user will have access to until they either renew their subscription or get deleted. Every server must have these libraries.

Last updated