Error: Plex response status code does not indicate success: 404

If you getting this error when your users try to subscribe to one of your plans, you try to invite someone, or you try to update sharing for a user, there could be couple of different reason causing this problem.

Server identifier has changed

Ensure that the Plex server to which your users are trying to subscribe or you are trying to make changes to has not changed. This can happen if you recently redeployed a server or have made other changes to the server.

You can tell if this is the case by comparing the Machine ID of your server on the Servers panel in Streams Manager and the machine ID that shows in the URL when you navigate to any title (movie or TV show) via the Plex web app in the browser. The URL should like this:!/server/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/details?key=%2Flibrary%2Fmetadata%2F984816&context=home%3Ahub.continueWatching~0~0

The portion XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX after the server in the URL is your server machine ID. If they do not match, that means you have a new server. You will need to add this new server to Streams Manager and then migrate your users to the new server using Migrate option on the Servers page. Please note that your plan must allow adding an additional server for this to work which may require you to upgrade your plan. Please reach out to us for support if you have any questions.

Streams Manager's data is out of sync

In this case, changes such as adding or removing users, changing library access, etc. were directly done on your Plex server and not through Streams Manager. This behavior should be avoided. To resolve the issue, sync your users and Users page and servers on Servers page and try your operation again.

Last updated