How does Streams Manager match payments during transaction sync?

Streams Manager offers full integration with PayPal and Stripe checkout when users use the system to buy a subscription and checkout on the site. In that case Streams Manager will fully automate the process by charging the user, provisioning media server access for them, sending emails and recording a payment in the system. Streams Manager also allow you to import/synchronize payments made to you via peer-to-peer method (i.e. someone sending you money through PayPal directly without checking out via Streams Manager), manual invoices, etc. or other ways outside of Streams Manager. The system will reach out to the payment gateway using the credentials provided in the settings and look for new payments every hour. It will then try to match the payment provided by the payment gateway to a user in the system. Matching is done using the following rules:

  • If a payment is recurring payment that is part of a recurring subscription, look for a user that has other payments using the same subscription ID since they are unique. If a single match is found, assign the payment to that user. Otherwise proceed to the next step

  • Look for a user in Streams Manager whose email set on their profile (or PayPal email in case of PayPal - every user has a PayPal email address field in their profile you can set ) matches their email on the payment in the payment gateway. If match is found, assign the payment to that user. Otherwise proceed to the next step

  • If none of the above find a match, create an entry for an unmatched payment that will show up on the Unmatched Payments panel and send a notification to the administrator. From here you have to manually create this payment on a user where it belongs. At that point, it is good to set the PayPal email or subscription ID correctly so the next payment can be matched automatically

Last point worth mentioning is that when a payment is matched to a user whose subscription has expired and they have been removed from your Plex server, Streams Manager will automatically provision access to that user since they made a payment.

Last updated