Library groups configuration

Streams Manager offers the capability to group libraries which can then selectively be included in plans allowing you to setup Basic, Standard and Premium type of plan hierarchy. Before the system can be used, you will need to configure library groups you wish to include in your plans. To do so, access the Servers & Libraries dropdown from the main menu and click on Library Groups in the submenu. By default, you should see three library groups already defined:

  • Private – libraries in this group are NOT included or shared with any plan. This library groups cannot be edited or deleted.

  • Standard – libraries in this group can be included and shared with all plans. This library groups cannot be edited or deleted.

  • Premium 4K - meant to be used with 4K libraries allowing you the ability to include or exclude 4K from certains plans

You can add other library groups for your 4K libraries, remux, audiobooks etc. or any other grouping you see fit if you plan to package them selectively in different plans. For example, you could create a basic plan that does not include 4K or remux and a premium plan that includes both standard and 4k and remux libraries.

Last updated