How to mass migrate users from one media server to another?

Streams Manager offers the ability to migrate your users from one media server to another in a single click including heterogeneous migrations between Plex and Emby and vice versa. This can be useful is you are migrating providers. This option is available on the Servers panel by clicking the action menu button next to the server from which you wish to migrate the users (source server). Then you will be prompted to select the target server where your users will be moved to. Once you click OK, Streams Manager will initiate the migration process in the background and send you an email notification (System Message notification template must be enabled) when it is finished with results.

Both old and new servers must be already added to Streams Manager prior to initiating the migration. If you plan does not allow adding more servers because of plan limits, you can purchase a temporary upgrade to achieve this.

If you are moving from Plex to Emby or the other way around, you need to have support for both Plex and Emby for the migration which may require you to purchase additional platform support (Plex or Emby). This is required even if you do not plan on keeping support for multiple platforms after the migration.

User migration has a few things that you need to keep in mind:

  • Both source and target server need to be added to Streams Manager and have their libraries configured and added to library groups.

  • If doing a heterogeneous migration (Plex to Emby or vice versa), all users need to have their Emby and Plex emails populated in their profile

  • Both source and target servers must support the same plans. This means that they must offer the same library groups/types assigned to plans. For example, if one server has libraries assigned to "Premium 4K" type that are used on plans but the other does not, then the servers are not compatible

  • If your plans offer mobile downloads, Plex accounts tied to both servers must have Plex Pass and be configured like that in the "Plex Accounts" panel (Has Plex Pass switch must be set correctly)

  • Each user on the source server must have an active subscription/payment where current date/time is between payment's start and end date/time.

  • If both source and target server are on the same Plex account, invites will be accepted automatically and users can begin to use the new server immediately. Otherwise, users will get brand new invites they need to accept

  • It may take a couple of minutes for the job to actually start running. Please be patient.

  • Process runs in the background slowly migrating one user every 20 seconds or so to avoid Plex API throttling and drawing attention from Plex

One you receive an email with the results and if all users were not migrated, you may need to wait an hour and run another migration. Keep repeating these steps until all users are migrated.

Last updated