Creating a Discord bot

  • Create a Discord app, a bot and add it to your Discord server. Do NOT add the bot to more than one Discord server. Ensure that bot has Administrator rights when it is created and also that it has an Administrator role in your Discord server (i.e. can manage roles, etc.). See this video for instructions (from 1:57-4:30)

  • Adjust Bot setting to give it proper access by clicking on the Bot on the left and enabling PRESENCE INTENT and SERVER MEMBERS INTENT

  • Once the bot is in your Discord server, go to Server Settings->Members and make sure that the bot has a role that has administrator role assigned with access to all permissions (such as Manage Roles, Kick Users, Send Messages, etc.)

  • Copy the bot token and enter it in the Streams Manager. Please note that the bot does not need to show as online for it to work

  • Click the Test button to test the settings. Test will attempt to fetch members of your discord server and add a role to one of the users

Last updated